This is a sampling of concept sketches and hand renderings for various clients and projects from indoor and outdoor spaces to events and exhibits.
In an effort to win the bid in gaining BMW as a client, my team decided to put something unique together for the proposal. I created the colored comic sketches by hand for the comic book that helped to tell the story of our company. The customized pitch did end up “saving the day” in the end!
I’ve always loved drawing and especially loved to illustrate faces. I started in high school drawing caricatures at amusement parks and then did parties, commissions and gigs. It was quite a fun job to have and an even better skill to learn how to deal with public critique at such an early age!
A local art center had a “En Plein Air” fine art competition to illustrate anything within the Golden city limits. I chose to draw and paint the local historic Astor House in Golden, CO and received 3rd place.