RFP Stand Design: 15m x 12m
Theme: Thales Takes Flight with TrUE AI
This concept effectively illustrates the history of innovation that drives Thales while placing a focus on its future with the Thales artificial intelligence approach of “TrUE AI”. The Thales TrUE AI approach is Transparent, Understandable and Ethical.
Through the use of open slats, vertical columns and LED lighting we wanted to embrace the strength and transparency that Thales TrUE AI messaging presents along with the interconnectivity that weaves throughout their products.
Guests are welcomed into a large Thales “A” out of the clutter from the show floor and into an intimate and immersive environment that creates intrigue and inspires visitors to follow the clear journey to interact with the Thales brand.
A giant paper airplane soaring above them hints at the TrUE AIr experience that awaits them towards the end of their journey.